Friday June 24, 2005
We had the biggest and successful second rally in Winnipeg Manitoba. Hundreds of residents of the Ethiopia community in
Winnipeg were fully participated in this rally.
They were all in black and carrying a coffin in remembering those innocent people who lost their life in the peaceful struggle
for a fair election in Ethiopia.
Government officials, Party leaders, University Student Association Presidents and major news media were all attended this
big rally. The guest speakers made their words clear to support the peaceful struggle going on in Ethiopia and influence their
respective team to put the necessary measures to ensure democracy and freedom in Ethiopia. Mr. Bidhu Jha , MLA for Radisson
,legislation Assistance to Premium of Manitoba, Dr. Garrard MLA, for River Height ,leader of Liberal of Manitoba, Amanda Aziz,
president of University of Manitoba Students Union ,and Kate ,President of University of Winnipeg Student Association reflected
their strong solidarity with the Ethiopian Community in Winnipeg and promised to address the issue of violation of human right
,arrest and harassment still going on in Ethiopia. More over the guest speakers promised to address this issue to the higher
government bodies in Canada.
The rally was broadcasted at 6:00PM news on Global TV. The aggressive Ethiopian Community was addressing the seriousness
of this problem in Ethiopia through their slogans as follows:
- Canada stands for Justice!
- Canada stands for democracy!
- Canada stands for Peace!
- We need no massacre!
- We need no dictator!
- We need no terror!
- We want Justice!
- We want democracy!
- We want Peace!